Chrysanthemum is verzachtend,
kalmerend en
Kan effectief zijn bij *Rosacea / rode huid / in het gelaat door
"chronisch" stuwingsprobleem op de bloedvaatjes of andere
huidveranderingen zoals: papels, pustels of teleangiëctasieën.
Vermits ondersteunt door dagelijkse detox met Fortune Delight
en een functioneel voedingsplan heeft u hier de beste conditie
om dit te aan te pakken naast bloedonderzoeken.
"chronisch" stuwingsprobleem op de bloedvaatjes of andere
huidveranderingen zoals: papels, pustels of teleangiëctasieën.
Vermits ondersteunt door dagelijkse detox met Fortune Delight
en een functioneel voedingsplan heeft u hier de beste conditie
om dit te aan te pakken naast bloedonderzoeken.

Voeding voor de pancreas & de alvleesklier
Sunnydew® helpt de bloedsuikerspiegel stabiel houden
zodat er minder behoefte aan tussendoortjes is en dat
is een goed begin om contrôle op je voeding te hebben.
Sunnydew ® is een extractie van 30 ml van de gehele plant
Met deze formule heeft Dr. Chen Stevia op de markt helpen
brengen, en je kunt met 1 druppel de thee krachtiger laten
werken of je kopje detox drank zoeten wat: 1- economisch
in toepassing is; 2- ongelimiteerd te gebruiken is; 3- ook |
voor op de huid is 1 druppel voldoende ♫ ook in lotion
zodat er minder behoefte aan tussendoortjes is en dat
is een goed begin om contrôle op je voeding te hebben.
Sunnydew ® is een extractie van 30 ml van de gehele plant
Met deze formule heeft Dr. Chen Stevia op de markt helpen
brengen, en je kunt met 1 druppel de thee krachtiger laten
werken of je kopje detox drank zoeten wat: 1- economisch
in toepassing is; 2- ongelimiteerd te gebruiken is; 3- ook |
voor op de huid is 1 druppel voldoende ♫ ook in lotion
Van invloed van ongemakken met de huid zijn:
- alcohol en bepaalde voedingsmiddelen
- sommige (vaatverwijdende) geneesmiddelen
- overgevoeligheid (voor bijvoorbeeld huidverzorgingsproducten)
- stress
- hormonen
- Irriteer uw huid zo min mogelijk. Gebruik dus producten die mild zijn voor uw huid, ook bij het verwijderen van camouflageproducten.
- Vermijd alcohol en gekruid eten, deze werken vaatverwijdend en verergeren rosacea.
- Probeer externe factoren die rosacea verergeren te vermijden, zoals extreme warmte en kou maar ook overmatige blootstelling aan de zon en rokerige ruimtes.

Latest news about DIET SODA
Dit artikel moet je lezen als je aan Coke Zero o.i.d. verslaafd bent!!
Lees dat aspartaam een dipeptide is: aspartyl-phenylalanine methyl ester.
en dat het breincellen doodt, carcinogeen is en mede reden van leukemie,
obesitas en diabetes is. "Sweat Poison" wees gewaarschuwd ☻9-2018
Highly concentrated and all natural, SunnyDew®
is an excellent supplement to your diet.
The indigenous peoples of South America have used stevia leaves for centuries.
Stevia is a remarkable herb that helps maintain a healthy diet.
Sunny Dew® table-top sweetener is a potent blend of stevia leaf extract and
chrysanthemum flowers. Other brands commonly use a chemical reaction to
process stevia, altering its natural structure. However, the stevia in SunnyDew®
undergoes a unique purifying and concentration process that preserves
the natural structure found in its whole food form.
I am a big fan of the stevia we have at Sunrider, says Diana Harrington. Over the years she has heard many say when they hear of stevia, that stevia has an awful after taste but not the one we get from SR. Below is some very interesting info sent to her from Tricia Holder.
Often when we share information on Sunrider stevia, people respond with “yes I use stevia”, but the difference between Sunrider stevia and other brands out there is the difference between night and day.
Sunrider stevia is highly concentrated and water based. Only water based stevia has health properties and sadly most stevia out there is a powder with maltodextrin fillers, or liquid with an alcohol or glycerine base. Other brands commonly use a chemical reaction to process stevia, altering its natural structure. However, the stevia in SuncarePlus® and Suncare undergoes a unique purifying and concentration process that preserves the natural structure and prevents the bitter aftertaste common in other stevia products. Sunrider stevia nourishes the pancreas and adrenal glands, stabilizing blood sugar and blood pressure while giving us the sweet taste that many crave. Sunrider stevia is also antibacterial and antifungal.
One of the things that really sets Sunrider stevia apart is the addition of Chrysanthemum Flower. The Chinese use Chrysanthemum to balance a formula so the more you consume the product the more into balance your body becomes. Consuming balanced formulas is the key to creating balance in the body and that is why Sunrider is so far ahead of other companies. It is nearly impossible to balance your body with your daily diet and definitely not possible using other companies products.
Besides Sunrider Suncare and Suncare Plus, you will find Chrysanthemum Flower in the Fortune Delight and Quinary.
CHRYSANTHEMUM FLOWER - The flower that calms, cools and clears.
Chrysanthemum Flower (Chrysanthemum morifolium) is used as a tonic herb and consumed as a tea to nourish the Yin and as an herb to remove wind and heat (inflammation) from various areas of the body. For thousands of years it has been used in China as a wonderful remedy for a healthy life, and is considered by many to be a “longevity herb” because of its excellent, safe and gentle anti-inflammatory actions. Today, it continues to be one of the most commonly consumed herbs in Asia, consumed by millions of people every day as a delicious, satisfying health beverage that addresses many health issues that people face every day. Chrysanthemum is classified as a surface-relieving herb with yin-nourishing properties. As a safe, delicious, time-tested “cooling herb” that disperses excess “heat” in the surface of the body, it has a thousand applications.
According to traditional Chinese herbal theory, its functions include nourishing Yin, dispersing ascending Yang, dispersing wind and heat (especially from the face, head and upper body), brightening the eyes, relieving dry eyes (with or without tearing), relieving headaches, calming the liver and clearing liver heat. Chrysanthemum Flower is renowned for clearing the skin.
It is most famous and widely used to improve vision and clear heat from the eyes. Chrysanthemum Flower may help improve vision, and is used for a wide range of everyday eye problems such as eye strain, soreness and redness. Chrysanthemum Flower both nourishes the eyes and clears heat from the eyes. It is very widely used by those who tend to experience dry eyes, dry eyes with tearing or redness due to irritation by dust, wind, heat and allergies.
Chrysanthemum is also used in Asia to clear the mind. Consuming a relaxing cup of Chrysanthemum tea (Fortune Delight with Suncare/Suncare Plus) at bedtime is believed to improve one’s memory. For mental workers and students, it can help prevent or relieve migraines and headaches caused by too much thinking, reading, stress and computer work. Consumed during the day or in the evening, it helps relieve stress and tension.
The first sweet is the best reminded in memory,
so let it be whole food from the beginning
in it's most glorious formula...natural!
is an excellent supplement to your diet.
The indigenous peoples of South America have used stevia leaves for centuries.
Stevia is a remarkable herb that helps maintain a healthy diet.
Sunny Dew® table-top sweetener is a potent blend of stevia leaf extract and
chrysanthemum flowers. Other brands commonly use a chemical reaction to
process stevia, altering its natural structure. However, the stevia in SunnyDew®
undergoes a unique purifying and concentration process that preserves
the natural structure found in its whole food form.
I am a big fan of the stevia we have at Sunrider, says Diana Harrington. Over the years she has heard many say when they hear of stevia, that stevia has an awful after taste but not the one we get from SR. Below is some very interesting info sent to her from Tricia Holder.
Often when we share information on Sunrider stevia, people respond with “yes I use stevia”, but the difference between Sunrider stevia and other brands out there is the difference between night and day.
Sunrider stevia is highly concentrated and water based. Only water based stevia has health properties and sadly most stevia out there is a powder with maltodextrin fillers, or liquid with an alcohol or glycerine base. Other brands commonly use a chemical reaction to process stevia, altering its natural structure. However, the stevia in SuncarePlus® and Suncare undergoes a unique purifying and concentration process that preserves the natural structure and prevents the bitter aftertaste common in other stevia products. Sunrider stevia nourishes the pancreas and adrenal glands, stabilizing blood sugar and blood pressure while giving us the sweet taste that many crave. Sunrider stevia is also antibacterial and antifungal.
One of the things that really sets Sunrider stevia apart is the addition of Chrysanthemum Flower. The Chinese use Chrysanthemum to balance a formula so the more you consume the product the more into balance your body becomes. Consuming balanced formulas is the key to creating balance in the body and that is why Sunrider is so far ahead of other companies. It is nearly impossible to balance your body with your daily diet and definitely not possible using other companies products.
Besides Sunrider Suncare and Suncare Plus, you will find Chrysanthemum Flower in the Fortune Delight and Quinary.
CHRYSANTHEMUM FLOWER - The flower that calms, cools and clears.
Chrysanthemum Flower (Chrysanthemum morifolium) is used as a tonic herb and consumed as a tea to nourish the Yin and as an herb to remove wind and heat (inflammation) from various areas of the body. For thousands of years it has been used in China as a wonderful remedy for a healthy life, and is considered by many to be a “longevity herb” because of its excellent, safe and gentle anti-inflammatory actions. Today, it continues to be one of the most commonly consumed herbs in Asia, consumed by millions of people every day as a delicious, satisfying health beverage that addresses many health issues that people face every day. Chrysanthemum is classified as a surface-relieving herb with yin-nourishing properties. As a safe, delicious, time-tested “cooling herb” that disperses excess “heat” in the surface of the body, it has a thousand applications.
According to traditional Chinese herbal theory, its functions include nourishing Yin, dispersing ascending Yang, dispersing wind and heat (especially from the face, head and upper body), brightening the eyes, relieving dry eyes (with or without tearing), relieving headaches, calming the liver and clearing liver heat. Chrysanthemum Flower is renowned for clearing the skin.
It is most famous and widely used to improve vision and clear heat from the eyes. Chrysanthemum Flower may help improve vision, and is used for a wide range of everyday eye problems such as eye strain, soreness and redness. Chrysanthemum Flower both nourishes the eyes and clears heat from the eyes. It is very widely used by those who tend to experience dry eyes, dry eyes with tearing or redness due to irritation by dust, wind, heat and allergies.
Chrysanthemum is also used in Asia to clear the mind. Consuming a relaxing cup of Chrysanthemum tea (Fortune Delight with Suncare/Suncare Plus) at bedtime is believed to improve one’s memory. For mental workers and students, it can help prevent or relieve migraines and headaches caused by too much thinking, reading, stress and computer work. Consumed during the day or in the evening, it helps relieve stress and tension.
The first sweet is the best reminded in memory,
so let it be whole food from the beginning
in it's most glorious formula...natural!